Monetary Mission Support

In a addition to our offering to the General Fund, we earmark special offerings to support various missions. If you would like to contribute in any way, here is how you can help!

Sunday School Offering will go to "Tornado Relief."  We will support the ongoing relief efforts of the horrific tornado damage in the areas of Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and the areas surrounding. If you you would like to donate, you may make a check out to Trinity Lutheran Church, and in the memo put "Tornado Relief."

Sending our Youth to Camp Trinity - If you would like to help our youth attend Camp Trinity this summer, you may make a check out to Trinity Lutheran Church, and in the memo put "Camp 2023."

Seminary Student - Please remember to help our seminary student, David Krueger and his family! You can place your offering in the envelope, marked "Seminary Student." Please write your name on the envelope. If you you would like to donate, you may make a check out to Trinity Lutheran Church, and in the memo put "Seminary Student."

Baby Bottle Boomerang Project - Fill up the provided baby bottle with loose change and return it to the church. This will benefit the Fresh Start Pregnancy Center! Checks will fit in the bottle as well! If you you would like to donate, you may make a check out to Trinity Lutheran Church, and in the memo put "Fresh Start." Please return your bottle by Father's Day to Trinity Lutheran Church. 

"National Offering" for Translation Work is being collected May 1-June 14. If you you would like to donate, you may make a check out to Trinity Lutheran Church, and in the memo put "National Offering."